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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. There was very little of interest at it whatsoever. All exhibitors need to be reminded that they are putting on a show for the paying public and not just playing trains. Very disappointing and not for the first time
  2. The term 'kits' is being very kind to these, a lot of work needed
  3. Just pop the ones that are connected to the cabs out, leave the rest in. Also shouldnt the handrails be weathered too?
  4. It wouldnt be fun if it was easy. There are other hobbies
  5. Id disagree with that, plenty of good quality kits available now and also RTR items from OOWorks and Provincial Wagons. Also the Bachmann GNR signalbox.
  6. Market here not big enough for dedicated railwayiana auction houses. Might mean a few bargains when it comes to dropping the hammer
  7. https://www.purcellauctioneers.ie/catalogue/EC143CDF71FE633714CD229813CDBD1C/81B29AB6FA187A02A829C1899B734425/irelands-largest-railwayana-auction/?show=96 A lot of staffs, a lot of it is not railway related, but there are a few hidden gems among the rubbish
  8. Your very upset and protective there David - at a rival manufacturers product. You would swear that you had something to do with IFM or something
  9. Did people say that when Lima 33's masquerading as CIE locos were sold?
  10. For that money Id want something that is not 3D printed and has flush glazing along with correct decoration. For that money you could buy 2 MM Cravens. Time for people to vote with their feet. So what if it is Irish and RTR. Its wrong and people need to speak up and not embrace it cos its Irish and therefore flawless If something thats RTR is not up to a certain standard people will complain. We are past the stage of 'OMG Irish RTR models' if it is not good enough people will make this known. There have been plenty of disgruntled British outline modellers when certain high profile and expensive models have not met expectations and this has forced the manufacturer to alter the product. This needs to happen here. If its a kit you can make it to your own standard. My MIR 111's had the majority of the whitemetal parts staying in the box and at least half of the resin on the body being removed. Built to my standard and a lot of people liked it There is a very clear split visible on this forum......those who enjoy collecting and operating models and those who strive for better. Each has their own view but me being in the latter camp I will always want more. For €100 RTR I want the right colour, correct detail,flush glazing, injection moulded plastic and free running - at the very least. Ive found little things that can be done to any Murphy Models loco and make a vast improvement in appearance. Making the best better... From the opinions Im getting the new IRM wagons could have been 3d printed and sold in equally good numbers If people keep supporting these models at this level of detailing etc then thats what they will get into the future.
  11. They are 'the official watch partner' or similar. Still very much an item
  12. Theres a reason for that - CJM are the best of the best. Most items are handmade and commission only. This includes handmade chassis to an unbeatable standard. They are to N gauge models what Blancpain are to wristwatches....
  13. Drop Tony Mirolo a pm on here http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/member.php/1410-tonto-irl
  14. The Murphy Models 201 were launched in 2001, along with the 141's following in 2007 - so thats sixteen and ten years ago respectively. Perhaps it is time for you
  15. Was a little ahead of its time, but it certainly had the basics of digital control. None of this 'sound' nonsense anyway
  16. What is your point? The kettle in my kitchen creates steam while not inconveniencing christmas shoppers
  17. Its about time the rpsi got a slap on the wrist, need to realise they are playing trains on someone elses railway. The official rpsi line on this will have it all brushed under the carpet as usual
  18. The 1916 model will be unveiled at the MRSI Show October 29-31st
  19. One of the main benefits of MACI membership is the insurance and being able to fly at approved flying areas. Not worth the hassle of having an accident which involves people or property anymore. Sadly a loss will need to occur before people realise the threat that carelessly flown model aircraft can bring, drones or not
  20. Everything was bought for scrap value so its a bonus if there is anything inside them thats not been already removed
  21. Any updates???
  22. I find the easiest way to make trains stop is to turn the power knob to zero or to press the red stop button
  23. Happened a few times,railtours and a few service trains. NIR were a lot more liberal in the past. 208+209 were paired up for a railtour once - now that was an experience
  24. More to come, mainly the final floorplan and layout/trader list General Information: Saint Paul's College, Sybil Hill, Raheny, Dublin 5 D05 C673 Date: October 29th, 30th and 31st. (Sat. Sun. Mon) Opening Times: 11:30 to 17:30 each day Admission price: Adult - €7 Children - €3 Family - €16 (2 adults & 2 children)
  25. Dapol 59 progress, with 1st engineering samples along with suggestions being welcomed https://digest.dapol.co.uk/forum/main-forum/diesel-aa/class-59/project-managers-blog-aq/2045-oo-class-59-e-p
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