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Everything posted by Blaine

  1. Reminds me of the vodafone ad on the telly with the girl playing the violin - 'that was erm, wonderful'
  2. Definitely a guilty pleasure - have all the Oxford 113/143's - even the stobart ones, but these are for the workshop only....
  3. Date: October 26,27,28th 2024 (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) Opening Times: 11:00 to 17:00 each day Venue - Mount Temple Comprehensive School, Malahide Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3, D03 DX79 The Model Railway Society of Ireland are proud to announce their next bi-annual Dublin show - to be held in the All New Venue of Mount Temple School in Clontarf, except finally its All in One Hall, no more cramped corridors or crowded classrooms Lots more information to follow, and quite a few new layouts are expected to attend, many of which have not been seen in public before. This post will be edited as more information becomes available This show will see a return of the MRSI's Dundalk Works after some years off the show scene Lots more to be announced
  4. C44A for the first lot, you might see Paddy walking around on one of the days, thats it
  5. Gulp I C What you did there for sure, saw these last weekend in the flesh, they are truly divine
  6. Was the roof colour even visible under all the dirt??
  7. Will this be a portable layout??
  8. Typical internet, 1 person says its no good/best thing ever and its suddenly gospel. Up to the individual, don't be swayed
  9. Was no propelling on that tour, definitely no more past 1990 though
  10. This one? http://www.golfeurope.com/photo-galleries/lisselan-golf-club-west-cork-ireland-5263.htm Not forgetting https://www.velorail.ie/#home
  11. Dodge C38 was Spanish built, a few made it to the UK, but not here. Too much market opposition Plenty of Dodge Commandos and 100's here (UK Built) along with the smaller 50 series trucks back in the day, a few preserved Commandos and 100's too. Matchbox made them both in close to 1/76 scale, can be used for layouts
  12. Correct, plastic upper, diecast lower. Bit of careful masking will protect the door/rear cab badging too
  13. Blaine

    GPX Rail

    Was wondering where it was myself..... Yes, mainly as the trams were available off the shelf as standard gauge items
  14. Wont happen sadly, I'm happy I was on the last 'official' one - in 1996. The amount of trespassing that would occur now to get photos and videos , Irish Rail just wont have it
  15. Leave it on 4 axles - never notice when its ontrack that its missing 2 axles. Heljan mechanisms are excellent too, good runners
  16. Depends on the donor mechanism - either Hornby 110 or used to be a Lima 117 - or could be something else completely Long term solution would be to use a Replica Railways 57ft chassis
  17. Ordered both - making it easier now instead of piling up the projects
  18. Go - and get lunch at the Pot Belly Cafe right outside the door. Unreal burgers
  19. Have the same, but will be getting a cab swap as the Hino is too new for me. Need to lose the lid on the compactor too
  20. Thats untrue. Can you find something else to chastise please, your whole 'oh thats lovely but I dont like it and neither should you' charade is getting boring and repetitive now
  21. Engineering works between Dun Laoghaire and Bray/Greystones that weekend, so maybe seek alternative transport
  22. Standard craic on almost anything that is coming out of the UK now, they didnt say out loud that this was one of the effects of the B thing. Get it send to friends in Norn Iron or use one of the parcels forwarding services (but not address pal), most UK retailers wont care, Ireland and overseas is less than 5% of their mail order output. Hattons so far is one of the few to set up for Irish customers
  23. It is, official BREL designation was MK3B, same as the MK3 DVT's in the UK. MK3 was HST stock only, MK3A was for hauled stock
  24. Whats in front of it in that shed will gain more interest from this forum though
  25. Mainland? Didnt know Macclesfield was in Germany?
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