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GM171kk's workbench

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gm171 kk

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My first and second attempt at making the bubble wagons. The first one was built using a spare chassis and by moulding the bubble from a kinder egg using resin, the second wagon is made from the shorter ends of the hinge type kinder egg glued onto a pipe of similar diameter and rounded using revell putty, the chassis and pipes were made from a dapol prestwin kit which is awaiting gangways and ladders.









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This is an MIR beer keg container wagon I am building. It doesn't seem too difficult but I am having a tiny bit of trouble.


Am I supposed to cut off the back part of the bogies because it does not fit underneath the chassis and will prevent the movement of the bogies?









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Guest hidden-agenda

The bogies are designed to fit a 42 foot 6 inch (your version by the looks of it) or a 47 foot 6 inch wagon. The coupling mounts at each end of the bogie are for each version.You need to cut off the long version if its a 42 foot wagon you have and to be honest you should have done this before you built the bogies as there is a chance of knocking the bogies out of true. If you have a drill with a cutting disc you can carefully cut them off baring in mind to take your time and do it with the bogies on a flat surface ( glass kitchen work saver) and remember white metal gets hot so mind your fingers.This is my cure but wait a while to see if any one else comes up with something better. I hope this helps.

Regards Gareth.

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I am having a lot of trouble with derailing with these wagons. My curved track are 2r and 3r hornby fixed curves and the wagons definitely cannot run and the 2r curves at all. But they seem to manage the 3r curves a bit better with the occasional derailment. I put this down to the bogies not having the room to swivel enough to run on the curves.

Anyway, i found other uses for the keg containers until I can get this sorted.




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I'd say its the swivelling Glenderg as when one of my locos are pulling them they seem to struggle a small bit and you tend to hear a kind of scratching sound and the paint underneath gets pealed off. So I fear I may have to cut a chunk out somewhere, or at least take a file to the frame to wear down the part thats grinding off the wheels. Thanks for the positive feedback lads.:tumbsup:

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Nice job on the wagons and trucks gm171,I had the same problem with my MIR bogie flat wagons,I changed the wheels to Bachmann-and filed down the angled section on the frame underneath and behind the bogies-and have had no problems since.

Edited by ttc0169
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Guest hidden-agenda

Them trucks look the dogs GM and try a Dremil with a sanding barrel and gently does it as it will leave a nice curve in the resin to allow clearance for the wheels to pass through.

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