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Dawson Hall buildings

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Seriously? This is cardboard, right?:ROFL:

This might be OK if you happen to be specifically modeling the kit that they happen to be peddling but there's no one going to outfit a layout with these buildings I don't think.

I'm sure there's going to be a counter argument regarding R&D costs and all of that but I would be willing to bet there's an outrageous mark up on these. It's somewhat short sighted in many ways, because I'm pretty certain there's a market of modellers out there who would buy these when building layouts at a reasonable cost.

....whoops, just need to sidestep the stampede here

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Seriously good though :P


Maybe, but effectively not at such staggeringly insane prices of nearly €80 for a flat pack cardboard "kit" of a signal box. Seems priced more for commercial use than typical hobbyists. €220 for a station building that needs to be painted!!!

Edited by Noel
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Maybe, but effectively not at such staggeringly insane prices of nearly €80 for a flat pack cardboard "kit" of a signal box. Seems priced more for commercial use than typical hobbyists. €220 for a station building that needs to be painted!!!


Yes I agree they are very expensive. That price for the station building is for assembled and painted.

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Seriously? This is cardboard, right?:ROFL:

This might be OK if you happen to be specifically modeling the kit that they happen to be peddling but there's no one going to outfit a layout with these buildings I don't think.

I'm sure there's going to be a counter argument regarding R&D costs and all of that but I would be willing to bet there's an outrageous mark up on these. It's somewhat short sighted in many ways, because I'm pretty certain there's a market of modellers out there who would buy these when building layouts at a reasonable cost.

....whoops, just need to sidestep the stampede here


Not a very nice comment, manufacturers need constructive criticism not to be slated if they are to continue to develop there products. Yes it's card but it's nothing like Metcalf, a lot of hours go into producing these kits.

If you read back through the Dart thread you will see the comments Eoin received a lot were constructive some not so. If he gave up due to the negative comments we wouldn't have the stunning model that it has become.


Give the guy a chance.

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I did not realize that these were Eoin's kits. In that respect, my opinion regarding the kits and their pricing is unbiased by any relationship personal or commercial with the vendor. So as a consumer these kits are expensive, as has been expressed by others on the thread also. I do not doubt that they are good quality, but I just cannot really see them becoming a mainstream product at that price.

You are quite right when you say that Eoin has done a great job on the Dart. So good, in fact, that I would consider buying one from him and I have no particular interest in the Dart itself!

That being said, I stand by my comments regarding the pricing of the kits.

The constructive part has already been stated in the original post which is that these would become very popular if priced more modestly, aimed at the average modeler, however you wish to define that.

Good night

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The big question is whether there is a market to support a more reasonably priced range of kits or building detail packs.


Most people seem to be reasonably happy with mass produced buildings and kits that were intended for the UK market, a small number of modellers scratch build Irish buildings and a smaller number still attempting to set their layouts in a distinctly Irish landscape.

Edited by Mayner
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I did not realize that these were Eoin's kits. In that respect, my opinion regarding the kits and their pricing is unbiased by any relationship personal or commercial with the vendor. So as a consumer these kits are expensive, as has been expressed by others on the thread also. I do not doubt that they are good quality, but I just cannot really see them becoming a mainstream product at that price.

You are quite right when you say that Eoin has done a great job on the Dart. So good, in fact, that I would consider buying one from him and I have no particular interest in the Dart itself!

That being said, I stand by my comments regarding the pricing of the kits.

The constructive part has already been stated in the original post which is that these would become very popular if priced more modestly, aimed at the average modeler, however you wish to define that.

Good night


They are not Eoin's kits. Your comments were not constructive, in particular your first statement. I was speaking to Eddie one of the guys behind Dawson Hall at the October show, they are aware that the pricing is high and are starting to sell into the American market and with volume sales prices should fall.

He did say sales are good, at the end of the day it's only worth what someone is willing to pay.

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Maybe, but effectively not at such staggeringly insane prices of nearly €80 for a flat pack cardboard "kit" of a signal box. Seems priced more for commercial use than typical hobbyists. €220 for a station building that needs to be painted!!!


Considering that few people make Irish buildings and the company is a reasonably new one,the prices would be high,Dave has said their prices will reduce as their market expands,and as Ed has already said you get what you pay for.

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I can say with a fair degree of experience that the amount of hours that goes into a building, whether kit or custom, is about four times that of a piece of rolling stock. The drawings alone take a long time, and my only thought is they are trying to split the cost of all the work over perceived sales.


It does seem expensive mind, but I assume capital costs of laser cutters and so on are thrown into the costs. Signal boxes should be in the 20-40 range dependant on detail, and stations anywhere between 80-120, but which ones do you do to satisfy the market? Genuinely don't know!


Anyhow, the days of having rubbish metcalfe models with their white joints exposed on a layout, while hundreds if not thousands worth of stock sits on the layout should be well behind us, but I understand the reasons why that's the case. Lack of skills/time/kit availability and so on...


They are lovely models, but if the brickwork is painted on, it's like printed stickers for decals on a model.

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They are indeed pricey, however - - -


Ireland, and Irish railway enthusiasts are an extremely small market. R & D costs become ever higher when the "print run" is lower. If the producer was knocking out 10,000 of these a week they'd be €6 each, but in our hobby, our numbers of people, specifically Irish things are always going to be dear.


While agreeing they're dear, I would still encourage and congratulate the producer.

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While agreeing they're dear, I would still encourage and congratulate the producer.


Agree. It is just a shame the price may severely restrict sales of what seems like a good product. It's just basic business to balance sales with costs to make a reasonable return over time.

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i have one. Dundalk Signal box kit . I picked it up about a year ago at Raheny Show. Was a bit cheaper then . V . nice model. Brickwork is applied as a stick on which covers all corners, window frames nicely. Very happy with mine. I would love the Cultra station. it just looks great.

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