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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. I came across recently. Does anyone have a photo showing the other side, please? https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=gsr+pullman+coaches&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=sinv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjwv7CukpjiAhVQxIUKHVxoATkQ_AUoAnoECAwQAw&biw=1024&bih=666#imgrc=G6U9uJkCWjfkKM Stephen
  2. StevieB

    CMAT 2040

    Some good stuff proposed. Two points to clarify: 1) The electrification would be as per DART in terms of voltage, and 2) The light rail would be as per LUAS in terms of gauge. Stephen
  3. Coming on in leaps and bounds. Stephen
  4. Looking very impressive. Stephen
  5. Interesting. Stephen
  6. The Dean goods was very similar in that it was a simple design that worked very well. They outshone some of the very latest designs during tests undertaken by BR. Even the uptodate versions, J15a and J15b, failed to shine compared to their earlier siblings. Steohen
  7. The 3d printed ballast wagon body is a fair representation of the real thing, save for being too tall. For greater accuracy you need to take a horizontal section out of the body, at a guess something like 4mm. The same is true of the IFM magnesite wagons. I’ll have to do the same to them sometime in the future. Stephen
  8. People must be keen to pay those sorts of prices. Stephen
  9. Definitely looks interesting with track laid. Stephen
  10. Some good stuff there JHB, in particular the Youghal trains. Stephen
  11. Looks interesting. Stephen
  12. It is a lovely scene that the photographer has captured so well. Stephen
  13. Using Facebook, you have to be careful which kind of machine you use in order to get onto his store to make purchases. It’s ok using such as an iMac but my iPad doesn’t give me access to his store, very strange. I’m sure those more computer literate than me will understand why this is so. I agree with the comments that Tom is very good to deal with. Stephen
  14. Although I’ve not seen it in the flesh, the photos make it look quite delightful. Stephen
  15. There’s a photo of a D17 working the train in Pat Whitehouse’s Branch Line Album published by Ian Allan in, probably, the 1960’s. The caption describes it as one of the shortest branches in Eire and the passengers ride in the ‘sax whaler’! Stephen
  16. They must be doing something right. Stephen
  17. Some lovely stuff there. So many similarities with what goes on in the UK but with significant differences, particularly the amount of propelling and reversing that goes on with service trains. Further on I came across one featuring emergency, single track working at Limerick Junction. Stephen
  18. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MURPHY-MODELS-00-GAUGE-MM1529-IE-IRISH-RAIL-CRAVEN-STANDARD-COACH-NEW-RARE/264289993740?hash=item3d88e9440c:g:TcMAAOSw-YVcdch- And there’s this one as well. Stephen
  19. I agree with that . Stephen
  20. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/LIMA-205159-IE-CIE-IRISH-RAILWAYS-CLASS-201-LOCO-216-RIVER-DODDER-MINT-BOXED-nc/331422674305?hash=item4d2a54ad81:g:BNMAAOSw8cNUSoU4 Ever hopefully. Stephen
  21. I’ve just opened Hattons email with their update on the MM121’s, glorious news indeed. Seems like my savings plan will end up in credit if the price doesn’t rise too much! Stephen
  22. Leslie was going to make an announcement about two kits, one his first non-wagon kit and the other a loco. Stephen
  23. Any news on the announcement? Stephen
  24. Some lovely shots of 45 wagon beet trains - impressive. Stephen
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