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Amiens Street Terminus

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One thing I would say is that it was very fast and very easy to use.


Shake the pen, take off the lid, run it down the rail sides (the application is designed to slot easily in) and you're done.


Very clean, no fuss and good coverage (comes with a spare tip too).


I think with a good wash over of dilute track dirt and then an attack of the airbrush it should look ok.

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The nib was 'destroyed' by the second coat of the sidings and points in the photos - about 10 feet of track and three points.


Luckily, they ship the pen with a spare, so I should be able to use it until it's empty.


The nib is a little large for the frogs, etc, but you can get decent coverage, and I plan to cover up any gaps with grime from the airbrush.


In it's favour it's clean, simple, you get very good coverage with a few coats, and no overspill, and it's very very quick to use. overall, I'd recommend them.

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How is the nib lasting? What's it like for getting in near frogs, etc?


I found them very easy to use myself, but the nibs don't last very long. I find the chairs on the sleepers tend to chew them up!

They should really include more than 1 extra nib.


I would also recommend getting an airbrush to weather the track rather than using aerosols, unless you have very good ventilation you are going to sufer from the fumes a spray can gives off. (Speaking from experience here!)

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They are small card 'inserts' that come with the Cobalt Motors.


After you drill the hole for the motor armature to poke through, you are left with a big, 6mm hole - not good for ballasting! You slip the card insert under the point, and you get a neat little slot for the motor arm, and can then ballast safely without dropping ballast into the motor or under the board.


They'll need a good whack of an airbrush too - you'd think they could have printed them with ballast (or even printed them grey :) )

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