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Quality of murphy models is outstanding

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I finally got a look at a Murphy models 141. I could not believe the fantastic quality ofthe model. It is weighty and purrs quietly. The slow speed is great too ! No comparison at all could be made to my old hornby/lima/mainline locos . ....only problem now is saving up and which one to buy !!!!


The babies have always ticked the boxes for myself. The level of detail on both classes makes them as individual to each other as they are in real life. The bonnet side door grilles and main grilles are different on both classes and this is captured faithfully on the models also. It might have been easy for MM to take the easy option and just change the bonnet side roof access hand rails on a 141 to a ladder and number it a 181, but he didn't he went all the way, as far as he could go detail wise without having to really compromise the tooling which would have ultimately made the models more expensive, which I think was the right thing to do.


As with all locos and rolling stock in real life, they go through changes mechanically and cosmetically during overhaul and this offers an opportunity for people to make little changes themselves to their models which at the end of the day is modelling and it's what the hobby is all about.


I love the 121's myself and I really do hope we will see them modelled at some time to fulfil the complete set of GM locos. I still believe that the 141-181's will always hold the title.




220 is my favourite loco and I think she looks superb, I'd give her 8/10. However, I think 112 is undoubtedly the best loco Murphy Models have ever produced, the level of detail, like the IE ornage and white on the windows, is unrivalled. 9/10! I'd give the 141s 8/10 as well.

  garfieldsghost said:
You'll be waiting a bit longer, I'd say... still plenty of 071s and 201s to shift!


Unfortunately that's the way it seems Pat, still we can live in hope. I like the new avatar by the way.




Love the BGMs, 071s and Cravens. If PM released the NIR 209 and Enterprise 230 tomorrow I'd be straight to the nearest shop. A model layout is the only place 230 will ever run again anyway.


The fact all these models are available has encouraged me to model an Irish scene rather than a UK one , even though all m br y old locos etc are br steam / diesel era. I picked up a second hand 141 and it runs so so well at slow sped. Are all bachmann locos like that ?

  richrua said:
The fact all these models are available has encouraged me to model an Irish scene rather than a UK one , even though all m br y old locos etc are br steam / diesel era. I picked up a second hand 141 and it runs so so well at slow sped. Are all bachmann locos like that ?


Bachmann UK ones are.

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