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Bridehurst - SR Region 3rd Rail - Now no more.

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Posted (edited)

Hi lads,


working on this now over the past few months, got most of the wood work done need to re done the far end curve as the wood somehow warped which is a pain. Plan is for 3 rai southern 1950/1960's so I can run Steam, Electric and Diesel together. I have one point motor installed, a cobalt digital job, Pretty simple enough. Just need to pony up for another 13 :/

Dying to get onto the Scenery aspect of it now but need to sort the Track out first, the Yard is a bit too compressed but I will have to live with it.

Where the O Gauge track / APT is will be a 6 road fiddle yard.


the double portal bridge was bought around 10 years ago, Came in the post broken so I will need to re scribe the brickwork to blend it in with the other stone work.

Wish I got the 40ft Portacabin now :/

Amazing how much therapy watching the trains go by is...









Edited by Georgeconna
  • Like 7

Well, if you're not going to model Irish, the Southern is the next best - think of all those Bulleid Pacifics, King Arthurs, S15s (got one at the weekend for a bargain), Q1s, T9s - almost better than "the other thing".

Have you got your order in for a Kernow Bulleid Diesel? now there's an interesting loco and a superb model. Looks like I'll get one before I get one of the Blessed Oliver's Spam Cans.

Posted (edited)

Yep, Just paid for the Bulleid Diesel. I choose a Green one with sound coming. The Black looks awesome too though. I really have too many locos at this stage. nuts really.

The Granddad used to drive the on the Southern Steam before Nationlisation from Barnstaple and then with BR from Tonbridge on the  Electrics in the latter day. Never got to know him as he was a bit Cantankerous at best. Pity really. Still have his cap and a signed picture by Bulleid himself on the day the Fist MN left Waterloo.

My Nans house was in Tunbridge Wells right next to the Tunbridge well to Tonbridge Tunnel portal (see circled house below). 

When we stayed on holidays I used to Love hearing the Trains go past and we used to go to the Park to watch the units go by and visit the 4 Model shops in the town (yes 4 model shops!!!) . A plus back then the Airliners inbound to Gatwick used to pass overhead, Tristars, DC-10s, Tridents, Happy days indeed so I feel a good choice for myself.







Edited by Georgeconna
  • Like 4

I do like a layout with long sweeping curves and little or no straight lines, very prototypical. Not so keen on straining to see a layout through the funk of junk! xD


  • Like 2
Posted (edited)

Location will be in Kent, Heathfield Station has kinda of inspired the build.  Around 20 miles from London or So. there will be an Oast house at the end which firmly sets the place.

There wont be so much junk it it when its done, Fan of the less is more brigade. Just stretching the legs of some of the Ladies. Need to start packing them back away!

You'll notice some shims under the track, The New Floor tiles I got were a Gnats C0ck higher than the ones I got  years ago which probably compressed a bit and therefore created a little incline on the track. I have to get rid of that with some sanding in reduce the step. Bummer.

Thanks for the kind comments and suggestions.




Edited by Georgeconna
  • Like 1
  On 7/2/2018 at 12:19 PM, Georgeconna said:

Hi lads,


working on this now over the past few months, got most of the wood work done need to re done the far end curve as the wood somehow warped which is a pain. Plan is for 3 rai southern 1950/1960's so I can run Steam, Electric and Diesel together. I have one point motor installed, a cobalt digital job, Pretty simple enough. Just need to pony up for another 13 :/

Dying to get onto the Scenery aspect of it now but need to sort the Track out first, the Yard is a bit too compressed but I will have to live with it.

Where the O Gauge track / APT is will be a 6 road fiddle yard.


the double portal bridge was bought around 10 years ago, Came in the post broken so I will need to re scribe the brickwork to blend it in with the other stone work.

Wish I got the 40ft Portacabin now :/

Amazing how much therapy watching the trains go by is...










George, looking forward to this layout making it's exhibition debut at the Wexford Show Easter 2019! I really like the Art-Deco signal box so be sure to incorporate a few more of those era buildings. Best of luck with the build. Will you be going DCC sound?

  • Like 1
  • 2 months later...

One of the things I liked about Irish Railways is most things had to be kit built, It gave a bit of satisfaction to see my Models flying around me bit of Test Track every now and then. Kinda Made and not paid. 

Nowadays the rise in prices of RTR Stuff especially uk stuff has made me look at the UK Kit scene and I started off by treating myself to a Parkside Dundas CCT Van.

Now if you ever assembled an airfix kit you can build one of these. Plasticbody and chassis, Metal Buffers and wheels. 

I Added the Torpedo vents from Lanarkshire models as the kit did not come with them which was a Pain and it also did not come with Transfers so these were ordered from Modelmaster so with all the extras vents and decal I will but a few more of these down the line for a parcel train. The pipes at the rear are from a 141 pipe set and the 3 link coupling from smiths, I took it off of the metal hook a glued it in place. The white lines are from Evergreen Strip glued inside the flush glazing.

The few piccy are where it is at presently. Test running was impressive after a change to Hornby wheelset as the Scale wheels sat into the point frogs. Overall Well chuffed with this.





  • Like 4

Hi Noel,

Thanks for the comment, The A-10 is foam, Has two 550mm fans in it,  Bit underpowered tbh, Has retractable U/C which is poorly designed so I usually belly land it. Great sound and I installed Nav Lights so looks even cooler at dusk.




  • WOW! 1

I do love a Parkside Dundas kit and have built a few. More detail than your bog standard Airfix affair and very satisfying, as you say, to see something trundling round the layout built by yourself. 

Cambridge Customs do sheets of decals for Airfix and Parkside kits allowing for multiple running numbers, etc to be applied. If you are doing a lot of kits they are very good value for your dolla’. 



I have a soft spot for the South Western out to Woking and Metropolitan Lines with their 1930s modernistic architecture and intense train services. The Waterloo-Alston service had the bonus of a cross platform interchange onto the Mid-Hants to travel in green coaches behind an N Class across the Alps to Arelsford> Could pretend I was on the Rosslare-Cork Boat Train but I was more interested in the Bulleid Pacifics & Urie/Maunsell S & N 15 4-6-0s

  • Like 1
  • 1 year later...

Hi All,

Well a spurt in good form and some Overtime meant I had a few Euro to spend on some more wood  last month and 13 digital Point motors from my local model shop :).

My first effort of laying the track was crap TBH. I first laid cork tiles and when I had used those I pruchased another set which was a MM higher than the fist set. Iafter months of just running trains with shims under the track I decided to rip the cork back up and relay the lay completely so I should have a nice smooth track to run on. The Bachmann H2 really showed off the switch back I had laid. Bit of a knock back but hey ho. Then I managed to resin in a load of bolts to the wood that should not of been stuck fast so had to rip parts of the end base board up. Arrgh!!

Anyhow from the piccys you will see the fron side of the layout has a nice frame where I jigsaw out the land profile,I had also started out with some Scenery which is made from Polysterne from washing machines etc. Handy to use and light but by christ messy. I have learnt new skills as well with the hoover being used quite a bit with the missus looking for it.

I am assembling the Retaining walls this week and need another set of Terraces houses which are from Superquick and they are quite nice too.

Any how here are some pictures. I hope to maybe have this down to Wexford for 2020. How I am gonna get it downis another matter altogether as I have quite a it of a lea{}Yrning curve building this.











  • Like 5
  • 4 months later...

Glacial progress here too.

Managed to bang in about 7 cobalts and tidy up the birds nest of wiring I had underneath once I had everything working. I had issues when a short occured and 5 of the cobalts each kept dropping thier addresses. To combat this I stuck is a PSX-1 circuit breaker which came with a Mamoth Manual but it was preset to a certain AMPs to stop the short and hey presto it works too no more lost addresses and the points are now on a seperate bus.

Over the week end I buit up the tunnel lining which being on a curve and presented its own problems!

When the ballast is laid and the 3rd rail stuck in on this part of the layout the tunnel will be stuck in place and the scenery started on this section first..

I also stuck in some under the track magnets and had some fun with kadees with my 08 and class 24 moving wagons about.

all good fun though.
















  • Like 9
  • 1 month later...

Bit of Ballasting done and tracking rust colour has been added. Scenery structure being added on one end. Me re chassised class 31 doing the posing! the orginal one fell apart thanks to the Mazak problems.





  • Like 4
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Electrifying!!  Got 2 lengths of 3rd rail in. Thought it would be a lot worse than I expected. Used super glue to cement the pots in and slid the track into the pot and dabbed a bit of accelorator to grab the pot into the sleeper and did one pot each time the same way.








Edited by Georgeconna
  • Like 7
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Currently building a Dapol windmill, surpising good for its age especially the brick engraving is still ok. It is based on a 17th century Mill called Pitstone Windmill,

I ordered a little 6V motor with gearbox from guess you know where,the package was wiped down before opening and it is glued in situ and will be glued directly to the sails. It is to be wired up to a cradle with 4 x 1.5V batteries should give a nice slow rotation.  No sure if there is DCC sound for a windmill yet.









I have mucked about with some Scenery and laid some 3mm static grass to test the waters. However I mixed up some 8 and 12mm strands and had a complete failure with them refusing to stand up. I dont often have that problem. I'll hover them up and try again. I know the tree looks shite too but was trying some hedge cuttings.

anyhow nice to show the good with the bad every now and then!! I tend to be failing more the successing these days...




Edited by Georgeconna
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Posted (edited)

yes it is the orginal airfix one! It would make a nice diorama on it own!

Hears a link to the Gearbox, If you source one in Europe all the better. This Sunny Market crowd have a US address but it shipped from Coronaland.



Edited by Georgeconna
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  • 1 month later...

Managed to slide away Sunday with a very slight Cider hangover and decided to tackle to fiddle yard,  I only had 3 cobalts left and can get anymore for the time being so only one point is operational and I have yet to do the left side.  My Baseboard planning was not that great as I have lost about a 10inches on the right side due to the curve starting mid board on the 'live' side and a brace underneath had to be removed to get the motors in. Lots of cussing. Next time i will do this aspect a wee bit better.

When done I should get 6 Medium size trains in there, Most trains will be of 3 coaches this being a Secondary route. I can get 6 coaches where the 4-CEP is sitting.

Hard ol work this railway Modelling lark is.



  • Like 5
  • 3 months later...
Posted (edited)

2 years at this and still not a whole lot to show for it, but spose I'll just tip away, JS models came out with e Stone Warehouse and a suggestion on RMWEB to suggest a brick one was taken up and produced and sent across the sea.

Here some photos of this, I have begun to paint in Different brick colours and I will go over this again with a misting of brick red to bed the lot down. Nice kit and went together with ease, Sometimes it good to do easy stuff to be the mojo rolling!

Thread on RMWEB with the lads layout and his website, the Canel Warehouse end would be good for an Irish layout.














Edited by Georgeconna
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