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Everything posted by enniscorthyman

  1. I forgot to mention Tonys repaint is superb.I remember a job on a 001 Silver fox-I think it was 047 in IR livery with no white stripe-stunning.
  2. Well said Tom,and credit to Stephen for the site,and the Mods who do a great job.400 members in a year is pretty good. I never knew it cost 2k to keep servers going in the year,I have no idea on this aspect,so thanks again. I don't think there is a need for feedback section,as any requests are always looked at.Sorry for off topic again.
  3. I would love to go on this railtour only I will be away:((
  4. Oh yes,the collision at Cherryville junction in 1983 was caused by a A class loco running out of fuel.
  5. Cement bubbles seem to be always popular and a 3 pack would ring my bell.
  6. Superb finish on the van,and I look foreword to ballyvoyle viaduct in action.
  7. I think I must have converted you to the dark side of DCC Noel as I think when you saw Gerry's locos with sound,you were hooked,so you can blame me for costing you a fortune,lol.
  8. Redmond Bridge-what a great name for a bridge.
  9. Stunning work there bud.
  10. Thanks Guys.The 121 will get some attention when I finish b101,as the paintwork needs attention and she needs a proper chassis to run on.
  11. Amazing layout Kirley,and the Galway coaches look fab.
  12. A bit of video and photos taken in the last few days- [video=youtube;6fl-ET9-2jQ]
  13. I have to get me some of these- https://www.google.ie/search?q=pink+floyd+cycling+jersey&hl=en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=n6NzUYDpIsTPhAfi9IEg&sqi=2&ved=0CF0QsAQ&biw=1280&bih=588
  14. Stunning work as always John.
  15. It's a nice job on 078.
  16. A really nice job,well done.
  17. 078 looks great Stephen,and the livery is growing on me as well.nice job on the buildings as well.
  18. Ballasters are looking great,and a lovely scene .
  19. I remember landing in a thunder storm in Turkey in 2002 and thinking I am going to see a lovely blue light soon and time to kiss the backside goodbye!.
  20. I hope to post up more video of a39 with sound tomorrow.
  21. I got a bit of video of 073 on my own layout and 078 on The Deeps layout.
  22. that's just fantastic,and a hell of a lot of work done.
  23. Truly stunning David,love the detail.
  24. My laptoporooney is not the best either.
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