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flange lubricator

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Everything posted by flange lubricator

  1. Add to that all shipping dates from China are being strecthed in every area , there is even a shortage of shipping containers in that part of the world to add to this . https://www.metroshipping.co.uk/news/container-shortages-in-china/#:~:text=Port operations have been severely,of equipment back to China. They might have to get C rail on the case!!.
  2. Nice weathering job, not too much but enough .
  3. I think they are 30 ton vans not 20 ton
  4. The 40 'beet containers on 42' wagons only featured in the last season 2005/2006 of the beet
  5. amazing piece of work Eoin
  6. They have a very homemade look to the sides which is exactly how the real wagons looked following repairs to them . they look spot on too me size wise
  7. Thanks for the update guys very understandable, it also staggers delivery with the arrival of the 121 class and gives the finances a chance to recover and hopefully I will be able to order and pay for the ones I want prior to there arrival in 2021.
  8. Great job
  9. Received mine today lovely job
  10. Nice job on the palvan
  11. Wonderful variety of tanks and containers on that train Noel.
  12. Never mind the tanktainer the other three are looking pretty unique too
  13. I have ordered a set of these just wondering will there be a version with the red oxide coloured bogies as opposed to the later version with the piebald ones ?
  14. Great scenes as always Patrick, hope the 121 class will put in an appearance soon at Glen More .
  15. Any pictures yet of MM0126 and MM0132 in supertrain livery ?
  16. A respray of a grey one to Black and Tan might be a good idea especially if you use some maskol on the grab handles and bits on the buffers to expose the livery underneath just like the picture https://www.geograph.ie/photo/3136304
  17. I have used it successfully on Lima bodies but like any type of paint stripping do a small patch test first before submerging the model in it .
  18. Would you be better striping the coach in brake cleaner before priming .
  19. Long before the days of the packaged hang sandwich and maxipak tae.
  20. Yes they retained the 1st on the doors as did the Mk2s /Mk3s , also of interest no TL on 1504 the cravens as with all other coaches were fitted with battery boxes and dynamos until the early 1970’s and the arrival of the BR vans .
  21. If you look at the reference to RAL 6037 I think this is the lighter green "A46 for a few years in between its silver and black eras). Both colour reference numbers match in slightly different light. They're as good as a match. RAL 6037 appears to be the same too." https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.paintcolourchart.com%2Fral-colors%2Fclassic%2F6037.html&psig=AOvVaw2miKncRmu-68fur1pa-Mis&ust=1599825634442000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJiI-4bF3usCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAO
  22. Have a look at this post should answer your question
  23. I don't remember any going via Kildare unless the line was closed for possession or some reason like that but normally via Clonmel , there was also a 1030/1040 ex Limerick Saturdays only to Waterford with Bell containers o it it .
  24. Via Limerick Junction would be the only way
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