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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. It was a delight to see it at Warley, together with Arigna Town. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a small, working turntable as the one at Clurtmacsherry. Stephen
  2. Which oil wagons were used for the oil traffic between Cork and Ballinacourty? Stephen
  3. Looking very good. I particularly like the trestles. Stephen
  4. The second requires the viewer to sign in. Stephen
  5. Sadly, I have to agree with you. It’s a shame when all that effort goes to waste. Stephen
  6. Any way of viewing without having to sign in? I always find that a bugbear or am I just getting old? Stephen
  7. Coming on very nicely. Stephen
  8. It’s coming together nicely. Stephen
  9. My wife was rather surprised to receive a Christmas card from four male admirers in Dublin until I pointed out it was only because our email address was in her name rather than mine. Thanks nonetheless for the very kind gesture to all their supporters over the past year. Stephen
  10. In the later years of freight operation in Northern Ireland, there were two very different types of train. In the 1960’s and 1979’s, the carriage of freight by rail in NI was actively discouraged, while CIE used the rail network to transport goods to and from such as Donegal. Stephen
  11. StevieB

    ooworks, J15

    I had exactly the same experience with Roderick in terms of problem and solution, so much so that I’ve bought a second one. Stephen
  12. Can I take this opportunity to say publicly a big ‘thank you’ to Roderick Bruce of OOWorks. He has already addressed the issue I raised about my model. I look forward to many more purchases from him in the future. Stephen
  13. Mine arrived today. All very fine apart from one little matter which I have raise with their good selves. Stephen
  14. What a nice pair, if I may be so bold. It just gets better. Stephen
  15. StevieB


    It was good to catch with old friends and meet new ones, friends being defined however you want. In terms of the physical area occupied, Warley is a big show with much to see. Apart from the Irish layouts, it was lovely to catch up with the two RHDR locos on display and to think that they are some 90+ years old. David refers elsewhere to the young guy with sight impairment who was ‘physically’ seeing models, etc. It was the same with these two locos, with One if the guides explaining everything that the young guy was feeling. It was lovely to see such kindness being displayed - not too much about if you believe everything you read in the media. Stephen
  16. Nice to see a 101 class amongst all the GM’s. Stephen
  17. Surely you realise what a powerful tool the internet is. The speed at which you can find information these days is mind boggling. The only way to stay private is to stay private and not post anything, and that would be a very sad state of affairs. Stephen
  18. It has recently been announced that Peco is to produce RTR EM gauge track for the EM Gauge Society in the form of flexi track and LH and RH B6 turnouts. I’ve no idea of the costs involved, but it must pay for both of the two parties to become involved in this venture. I wonder if this brings the possibility of RTR 21mm gauge track any closer. Surely the first step is setting up a 21mm gauge society. Stephen
  19. Can you make all payments using PayPal? Stephen
  20. That’s all I was after, an indication of numbers. Many thank. Stephen
  21. Yup, but how many of each variant? Stephen
  22. Belated congratulations on your choice of the first loco. Presumably it will be relatively easy matter to produce the C/201 at a later date. I can’t see any reference to the number of each variant you are going to produce. As my era is the 1979’s, that’s two GM powered B&T’s and two Supertrain versions. Have to go away and count my pennies. Stephen
  23. It is beginning to improve modellingwise. The winners of challenge no 4, the Fawley Fliers, raised the bar more than a bit. Stephen
  24. Over the years I have bought quite a lot from him and like you, Noel, I've always found him to be a nice guy to deal with. We have re-made contact so all systems are go, as they say. Stephen
  25. Thanks for that Dave. Stephen
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