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Alan's Workbench

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Alan am thinking you must have worked in Queen's Quay paint shop in a former life.....

The precision here is on a different level - the amount of concentration needed to apply the lining must be almost superhuman!  I liked it in black but LOVE it in BCDR livery.  Your BCDR motive power fleet is surely the envy of us northern modellers!!

Looking forward to the final stages.  A total masterpiece.

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  On 8/7/2023 at 6:47 PM, Tullygrainey said:

Some progress with former fluffy loco No.29, at last. I considered trying to build an anti-gravity device in case I dropped it again but decided in the end to just be more careful.

Another black base coat sealed the brass, then the rivets were added. Again. 



Two coats of green enamel blended the rivets in. The boiler didn't get intimate with the carpet during the Butterfingers Affair so it wasn't stripped back. 



Next, the lining transfers (from Fox Transfers). As I've said before, the lining is over-scale but I can live with that.

Challenging stuff, this. Frustrating and satisfying in equal measure. The little jig made of card and cocktail sticks suspends the thing above the work surface so the transfers on one side one don't get accidentally abraded or rubbed off whilst working on the other side. Another lesson learned the hard way.




Lining finished and sealed with a coat of enamel satin varnish. 





I'll give the finish a few days to harden before re-fitting all the detail bits and re-uniting body and chassis. 

Onwards with a great sense of relief





WHAAAAAT!!! That is OUTSTANDING. Very well done indeed!

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An absolute beauty, Alan. Take away the track it is sat on and it could be a much larger scale, which says everything about the model's quality.

 Regarding weathering, the powders route might be the safest option - any issues and it can be wiped off with damp cotton buds. Agree that all locos benefit from a bit of weathering, so maybe sticking to the black bits is the way to go? Brakes, smokebox, footplate, cab roof and so on.

 We also need to see it on Loughan Quay with some wagons. Very much worth all the effort!

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 I made an inventory of all the proprietary bits that went into No.29. Quite a lot in the end.

High Level

Loadhauler gearbox and 1015FE motor

Alan Gibson

4849N : 16.5mm 12 spoke driving wheels

4836 : 12mm 9 spoke bogie wheels

4M42B : Crankpin set (6 wheels)

4M92 : Universal coupling rods

LM1-OO OO frame spacers

4M104 : Midland Railway loco brake gear

4908 : Early GWR/Dean buffers

4M170 : Loco boiler bands (used for coal rails)

Dart Castings

4003 : MJT Locomotive hornblocks (basic 1/8”)

MSV39 : Monty’s Models whitemetal locomotive crew

Wizard Models

MT329 : Mainly Trains GWR smokebox door

DCC Concepts

DCD ZN8H : Nano locomotive decoder

DCD SA3-SM.1 : Control board and small  3 wire stay-alive


Chassis frames are 0.015” nickel silver, superstructure is 0.010” and 0.015” brass. Other bits from the spares box.











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Beautiful just beautiful. The shopping list helps show just what goes into a scratch loco built to this standard. Part of the fun is seeing just how many diverse specialist bits you can use - as well as repurposing household staples. In 7mm, I tend to send Laurie Griffin a photo and drawing to see what matches best from his range of castings.  It’s quite possible to have an Irish engine equipped with parts from every one of the big 4 (LMS/GW/SR/LNER). One of my own bizarre quirks is to always include a small piece of Alphagraphix etch somewhere in each model as a tribute to the patron saint of 7mm Irish modellers - Roger Crombleholme!  

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Some number plates for No.29. For previous models, I've made these from plastic but I tried brass this time and made a little jig to help shape the frames. They should be smaller but there's a limit to what I can usefully see (and find again when the carpet monster absconds with it). A great workout for the eyesight. And the patience.



0.33mm brass wire and 0.010" brass sheet



Soldered together and the wire filed flat



Humbrol Metalcote paint and Railtec waterslide transfers



Numbers applied and a little light weathering. I think we'll call it done. Maybe.


Shunting happily


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Amazed at Alan's speed and consistent quality of build with BCDR No2 and No 29, building and actually completing locos from scratch in a fraction of the time it takes me to design and carry out the test build of a similar kit.

Posted (edited)
  On 15/7/2023 at 10:01 PM, Mayner said:

Amazed at Alan's speed and consistent quality of build with BCDR No2 and No 29, building and actually completing locos from scratch in a fraction of the time it takes me to design and carry out the test build of a similar kit.


Thank you John. Poor weather and nothing much on TV helps😄  Though I suspect designing a kit suitable for others to build is a lengthy business. I would imagine that requires a whole extra level of work compared with a one-off.

As mentioned elsewhere, I started on a narrow gauge O:16.5 Peckett for my narrow gauge stone yard layout at the same time as BCDR No.29, getting as far as some rods and chassis frames. However, it got parked when the latter claimed all the bandwidth. Now that 29 is simmering in a siding at Loughan Quay, the little Peckett is calling to me. 

I used the one at Cultra as my starting point and was able to do a bit of measuring. I'm not aspiring to an accurate copy but something reasonably close which will look at home on the NG layout.



The chassis was built in the conventional manner. Rods (2 layers of 15 thou nickel silver) made first, to dimensions taken from the Cultra engine. Chassis frames (15 thou nickel silver) cut as a pair and the rods used to mark and drill the axle holes. Chassis erected with brass Alan Gibson OO spacers. Fixed rear axle and rocking front axle on MJT horn blocks.






Drive to the rear axle through the excellent High Level Loadhauler gearbox. 90:1 ratio.The wheels are 4mm scale L&Y Pug wheels from Alan Gibson, just about the right size for this tiny vehicle. 



We'll see how this goes. Travelling the narrow path



Edited by Tullygrainey
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