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Guest hidden-agenda

May not look great as a livery but at least their not being scrapped given their age and mileage.Younger loco,s (201s) are sitting as shells surplus to requirements so at least the 071s have a future for some years and please god it will be as long if not longer than their bo-bo cousins.

Posted (edited)

I have nothing positive to say about that livery. Thank goodness we can retain our model 071s in original liveries.


Of course the livery could just be a protest against compulsory UIC numbers by applying them in this utility fashion :((

Edited by Tarabuses
  Broithe said:
Like athlete's foot..?


more like the galloping nob rot.... (a sore yoke im told)afraid.gif


one thing i will say about the livery - even i will give it a lash at doing a respray!

  hidden-agenda said:
.Younger loco,s (201s) are sitting as shells surplus to requirements so at least the 071s have a future for some years and please god it will be as long if not longer than their bo-bo cousins.


It's worse than that. All of the withdrawn 201s have been stripped of parts, some more so than others. Put it this way, if a major defect was found in the 071s next week and they all had to be withdrawn for mods, the stored 201s would not be able to re enter service. They would all need many months of prep work each with some needing alot of major parts ordered as IE stopped storing spare parts some years ago.


That looks absolutely, utterly, grotesque. The logo is bad enough in full colour; in that form it looks like a deformed "Z" on its side. The numbering is crass, stupid, nonsensical. The whole point of numbering anything is to identify it. In this day and age of H & S regulations designed to allow information to be obvious to even the least observant among us (yellow ends, different coloured passenger doors, fluorescent clothing), that style of numbering is ridiculous, even before we consider the scant likelihood of an Irish locomotive straying into Belgium by mistake. What is wrong? I know we're part of the EU, but do you think for one second the French or the British would follow that type of pan-EU* nonsense without questioning it? (* I am pro-EU, not anti; but this is retard stuff.) Rant over.


And this is coming from one of the few who actually liked steam engines in sheep-dipped all-over grey!


The application of the European Vehicle Numbering (EVN) while seemingly stupid is mandatory under European law. Technically, while it is 'unlikely' that an IÉ locomotive will suddenly end up in Belgium, the company does operate international services and I suppose that in the eyes of the bureaucrats in Brussels those services operate into a country that has direct a physical connection to the European mainland - i.e. the U.K. So I suppose their attitude is why give Ireland a derogation.


What makes absolutely no sense is IÉ's application of the EVN. The guidance note issued by the Railway Safety Commission states that the full EVN should be applied to the body side of the vehicle, not more than 2 metres above rail level. So for an 071 locomotive the full EVN could be put in the centre of the loco under the catwalk. There is nothing to say that the three digit fleet no. could not also be applied under the cab side windows in its traditional position.


Only digits 5 - 11 need be displayed on the cab front - i.e. omitting the first four numbers and the check digit, not as IÉ have applied them. So for the 071s the digits could be applied in black on the yellow panel with the three digit fleet number in larger characters than the other four digits (as was done on some of the railcars I think). This would make identifying the loco much easier, especially in emergency situations.


In addition to the above, IÉ would seem to have omitted to include the country of registration of the vehicle and the 'Vehicle Keeper Marking (VKM), which in the case of IÉ stock would be written IRL-CIÉ.


In addition to locomotives, the full VKN + EVN will have to be applied to all items of rolling stock - coaches, freight wagons, on track machines and even heritage stock. Fortunately, in the case of heritage stock (according to the RSC stock used 'for strictly heritage or touristic purposes' the EVN need not be displayed on the side or front of the vehicle but should be included inside the cab and on the solebar. So we won't see the RPSI's 461 with a 12-digit number painted on its smokebox door! For coaches the EVN can be put on the solebar with the normal 4-digit numbers in their normal positions beside the doors in their current sizes. Incidently the RPSI will (I assume) have vehicles registered in two juristictions. The Cravens set will probably be registered in the Republic so would carry the VKN IRL-RPSI, whereas the MkII set would be registered in the north so would have UK-RPSI. It remains to be seen where the loco fleet is registered.

  jhb171achill said:
car Reg: IE 131D UK IRL NI 000005 ECZ 44566 778 23 67 9987 56445 000001 8890122347 G 7576456589


I presume that your car already has a European registration plate - i.e. the one with the country code on it. I'm not sure what the situation regarding n.g. lines and railways such as Downpatrick will be as neither are physically connected to the main line public railway network. As for your cups and saucers, if you want to put EVNs on them then feel free to do so!


One thing is for sure - it'd be a straightforward paintjob to achieve on a model. It would mean having to remove the grab rails on the cabs, if they are not going to be refitted to 071 (or 629000001001107100000112etc...;))

Will SSM be doing the decals in the future?


I spotted the loco again today while passing Inchicore; it was just outside the main loco shed. I don't particularly like the livery but I have to say that it does look a good bit better in the flesh, especially when the sun is shining, as it was today (hard to believe I know).


The buffers were still covered in plastic when I saw it so does this mean it still has some work to be done or that it just hasn't been put to use yet?


more to the point - is the lettering on her in its finished state? i would have thought that there should be a bit of colour added as in the original logo -i know the black lettering will stay white...



I'm somehow hoping this is a very, very early April Fools Day joke and none of this is real!


It is simply horrible. Whatever was unique about what was left our loco stock, is disappearing. Its dull, unimaginative and cheap looking. Most likely done because its the colour nearest the standard dirt build-up on the loco and now they won't have to clean them, ever!


The numbering was unique too. If its rules, then its rules, but at least make 071, 084, 088 et al, in big numbers to make them easily identifiable and retain some semblance of beauty.

  Barl said:

The buffers were still covered in plastic when I saw it so does this mean it still has some work to be done or that it just hasn't been put to use yet?


It may have been 077 that you saw and not 071. In the photos of 071 from a few weeks ago it's being shunted around by 085 with no covers on it's buffers and was more or less finished apart from the window masking.

Posted (edited)

Got a glimpse of an unknown 071 in the new livery this evening at the western end of Inchicore, on the way to limerick, with electrical flashes, full logos, but it appeared to have a matt finish, or looked lighter than in the photos i've seen so far. Aside from the fact it looks appalling as a livery, i would expect any re branding to have a typical "grey-suited over the top corporate vajazzel" plastered all over the side, much like the freight carriers across the ditch. I get the feeling the graphic designer is also the gardener in Inchicore, and horticulture is where his qualifications lie.


It looks like Darth Vader took a bite out of a dogs**t sandwich, mustard moustache and all.



Edited by Anthony
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