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  scahalane said:
bugger me you work fast, looks great!


Cheers mate.


Using products that require mainly superglue instead of plastics really speeds things up. The thing I find is that with a building like the Nissen hut you can you mass produce the components and then just fit them together as te project moves along. Paint is generally over stained with powders so it doesn't need as long to dry. That's my last build for a month or so though as starting to pack to move 9000km across the country :cheers:

  murrayec said:
Hi Phil


You are doing an amazing job there


What about this one? maybe you have a few sheets of corrugated left over from the sheds!







Always left over tin for a good model but can't see your attachment mate. Any chance you can try again or personal message me the photo?





Have been drawing up plans for one the last few days and it was one that I have prep work begun for. Just waiting on a cheap second hand 4 wheel wagon to arrive and will begin. They are brilliant wagons and have seen about 13 different types. Some are as simple as mounting a garden shed on a flat wagon.


That one Steven built has a mech in it as well for propelling the tractor. I have a ferguson for building the rail tractor as well but need to source a flee drive to power it as even in o scale the model is small.


Cheers for the photo and alway a bit of left over tin for that build.



Drawings of the railcar and two pack railset use on BnM. Have started the model of the railcar using a black beetle mechanism and scratchbuilt frame. Rest may have to wait till after the move though.




Finally for tonight is a few shots of some mock ups made from manila folders I borrowed from work. Intent was to size up and tweak the plans if need be for the power plant, conveyor tower and storage shed area. The building is a scale 5 stories tall. Have to tweak the design as attempting to fit too much building into too little space (have squished it on the vertical). Some mods to placement of conveyors will also occur. Love the visual break the conveyors add and the thought of the little trains in amongst the mountainous buildings, weaving its way to the unloader.


Anyway hope you all enjoy.










This is Amazing are you a Professional Phil? Really love the attention to Detail looking forward to following the Progression of the Layout!


:drool: on a serious level!


Cracking work there, especially with the Das.

The level of dereliction you are achieving is fantastic. :tumbsup:

Looking forward to more after your 'short' move.


Thanks everyone.

I should introduce myself a bit I guess. I am a 30 year old psych nurse who has been travelling Australia for the past two years working contracts in various hospitals and community settings. I have been modelling in some form since my dad brought me a train set when I was 6 and partly due to pressure to model what I saw with nothing in the 1990s commercially available (modern era Australian) I turned to scratch building wagons. I did this comercially in brass and plastic for a few years until the commercial market improved and I was no longer needed to fill the gap :)

In 2008 I travelled to Switzerland and fell in love with the RhB and my first layout was born. Based on the bernina route it was a HOm layout with everything purchased commercially and although beautiful not as challenging as I was used too. This was were my love of narrow gauge started. In 2012 I cut up my RhB layout and put my rollingstock into storage while I travelled off with my new girlfriend, an Irish girl from Waterford. During a Christmas visit to Ireland last Xmas I was told by a mate to check out the BnM. Nothing else just that. Bit of research lead to one day in shannonbridge. I now had two loves, my girlfriend and Irish narrow gauge railways.


I have a bit of experience in modelling but not much. My lucky ability is to visualise and model what I see. I don't think people should ever be afraid of trying anything. No one ever sees the stuff ups. Before modelling the loco shed I watch about 3 hours of videos on DAS clay. Then drew about 100 pictures of what I wanted to create.


I don't have years of experience. My dad is a modeller and loves BNSF and MRL in the USA but has never really been into scratchbuilding. I encourage everyone to have a go at this. It's only as hard as you imagine it to be.


That's an excellent introduction Phil and it is great to have someone of your ability with us. The BnM is a fascinating subject and I look forward to more updates. Is the good lady a County or a City Waterford girl. The next time you both are over here you should take a spin on the Waterford and Suir Valley Railway as it is a lovely little narrow gauge railway and a beautiful scenic route.



  RedRich said:
That's an excellent introduction Phil and it is great to have someone of your ability with us. The BnM is a fascinating subject and I look forward to more updates. Is the good lady a County or a City Waterford girl. The next time you both are over here you should take a spin on the Waterford and Suir Valley Railway as it is a lovely little narrow gauge railway and a beautiful scenic route.




Hi Rich,


She is from Dooneen mate... Country girl. Walked along parts of the line their and its a little corker. Should have gone for a ride one weekend at Christmas but generally was to hungover or starting to get drunk :)


Will definitely come down next time round for a spin.



  • 1 month later...
  JoeKrepps said:
Any new updates? Fantastic work! Looking forward to the next installment. I'm also curious about how you're doing with rolling stock.



Joe Krepps

Secretary/Keystone Chapter - European Train Enthusiasts



Hey ya mate,


Have just finished the 12000km road trip across and down and all around Australia. Will start work again in a couple of weeks. Keep an eye put will post photos as I go along. First up will be a couple of locos and some works wagons. This will be followed by the fleet of peat wagons. Layout should be started around Christmas. Thanks for all your support and will make sure to post everything I can.



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