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Glenderg's Projects

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  murrayec said:




Jaysus, that's a cracker Eoin. It's now developed into a serious Elf 'n Safety Crisis, with extraction vehicles, plant, the Guards, you name it. Will have a photo later for the craic.



  Georgeconna said:
yeah, love the shiny Steel and the Faded look.Class stuff!


Cheers George. I couldn't think of a way to make the cylinders in the tubes be like the real thing, the paint would only chip off as you moved it, so I use various thicknesses of solder to get the look. Operate slowly!


Id say the sergeant is a Roscommon man held back from promotion for 30 years after summoning the Commissioner & Minister of Justiceor after hours drinking.


By right should also have an Inspector from the HSA & someone from the RSC and a gaggle of Senior Civil Servants arguing over Jurisdiction. Always happens in cases like this


Details like this can add great interest to a layout. I saw one at an exhibition somewhere once where there was a busy goods yard being shunted in slow motion - very good; but outside the goods yard gate was a police car with blue light actually flashing, and the policemen had a man pinned up against the wall, and another policeman was pointing to a car beside them which was parked across the gate on a double yellow, under a large "no parking" sign.


So you can even have heavy-handed policing in 00 scale!


Try as i might earlier to, shape a piece of an ear bud into a reprasentation of the garda poodle, when i tried to put 2 black dots for eyes it all ran. Looks like a melted snowman with black eyes now. I've already settled on a few characters for next week -

- Mr. Brown , from the Department of Stop and Go. Ex- KGB man, 40 a day, cromby coat.

- Tuail O'Toole and Feisty O'Curamach from the HSA.

- Mr and Mr Anderson from the RSC.

and a few token junkies havin a row on the sidelines.I hope to use all of these for my little north wall quay layout/diorama "Arthur's Quay" later this year. Cheers for the laughs lads! R.


  Glenderg said:
shape ...an ear bud into a representation of the garda poodle-


take the earbud, die the top and back black, paint on a perma-smirk and voila, Alan Shatter, the perfect Garda poodle.


Did these lads while waiting for the dinner to cook earlier, so forgive the slapdash paint job, but the too foot rule should apply to these "yokes" later on.


From left to right :


"shotto" - handy shooting stuff. Mostly in the arm. Hoodie permanently attached.

"Blotto" - clogs up a&e, bizarre fashion, crutch permanently attached.

"Baby Lotto" - has an A in Reproduction. Permanently pregnant.

"Sneachta" - with ponytail.....




shotto" - handy shooting stuff. Mostly in the arm. Hoodie permanently attached


Do get quite a few of the above leaving their Castlerea 'Hotel' after being pampered for a few months,

Nice work as usual Richie...:tumbsup:

  glenderg said:
did these lads while waiting for the dinner to cook earlier, so forgive the slapdash paint job, but the too foot rule should apply to these "yokes" later on.


From left to right :


"shotto" - handy shooting stuff. Mostly in the arm. Hoodie permanently attached.




you in the blue hoodie you are trespassing on private property, leave this area immeeeediately!

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