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enniscorthymans workbench

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The leds will be powered from a coin type battery and holder at 3v.I have some small on/off switches to be fitted in the main body which has plenty of room.The leds can be powered from 12v with the supplied resistors if desired.















  • 2 weeks later...

I have just started the back section of the layout.No idea yet of track plans,only

just to get woodwork done first.

I have 5 SSM 42 flats to build,so a start

was made yesterday.I plan to get back to

finish the Dennis fire engine during the week.































  • 1 month later...

Update on the new layout build.

The front section is ready for painting

and some filler where needed.The back sections are mostly built but need some finishing work.

As may be noted in photo,I have built in a small door on the side to house the dcc controller.

It's taken me 3 months just to get this far and I have built this more robustly for its staty in the attic.

Lenth is 8 feet by 1.5 feet,enough for me to work on when my time is scarce.

I have a few ideas with double track and space permitting a island platform.

I plan a tunnel on the left and road over bridge on the right to discuise the track disappearing to the back section.

I don't plan a fiddle yard on the back section due to time and space.













It's exciting being at this early stage of a build with all the ideas in your head but not completely sure what way it will end up. Enjoy the process Eamonn, it will be a good distraction from the 5 42'flat wagons you are constructing.


I am enjoying building this layout Kieran.

It's tough enough trying to get woodwork right as space is tight in the attic-with a few curses uttered over these past few weeks.All I can say is from looking at other people's layouts,you do get inspired to get the finger out and try something.

  enniscorthyman said:
Just finished building the Provincial Wagons CIE Bullied open wagon.

Nice little kit and very enjoyable to build.

The running gear underneath is a little tricky,just take your time.A nice kit for anyone who would like to try a resin kit for the first time.I used a bit of scrap brass for the things that stop the door from fouling the running gear.Not sure if they look a bit thin,I can use slightly larger scrap brass if needed.




I've just seen this. Thanks for posting a masterclass in how to build the wagon.


The final result is brilliant - seriously superb weathering!




  leslie10646 said:
  enniscorthyman said:
Just finished building the Provincial Wagons CIE Bullied open wagon.

Nice little kit and very enjoyable to build.

The running gear underneath is a little tricky,just take your time.A nice kit for anyone who would like to try a resin kit for the first time.I used a bit of scrap brass for the things that stop the door from fouling the running gear.Not sure if they look a bit thin,I can use slightly larger scrap brass if needed.




I've just seen this. Thanks for posting a masterclass in how to build the wagon.


The final result is brilliant - seriously superb weathering!





Leslie,thanks for the comments and

thanks to you for such a nice kit.



Finaly got around to a bit of video showing the Oxford

Dennis with Leds.The Garda Transit was done by Geoff Johnston.

The Leds and all the bits required are from Kytes lights.

I think they will look nice on the new layout.

I plan to do a Oxford Ambulance and Scannia Fire

engine with more detail and lights.:)


I had a go at scratch building a Bullied wagon.I have about 5 spare dapol chassis and decided to get some corragated plasticard and give it a go.

I am happy enough with the result. Its not perfect but a bit of weathering helps to hide any imperfections.















  jason brady said:
Very nice,goes to show what can be done for little or no expense.


It's a cheap build with mostly scrap

plasticard and brass etch leftovers.

Perhaps I could try a better corragated

plasticard in future.

  • 2 weeks later...

I gave this MK 1 transit some SSM p and t

decals,however I think the orange could be a bit brighter.Its the only shade of orange I have at the moment.I am also having a go at scratch building the Bedford TK p and t lorry.
















I have just put on the SSM fuel oil tanker decals and used some Humbrol rust and oil wash along with a bit of weathering powder.Happy enough with the result as any photos of these wagons seems to show plenty of grime.Just some couplings to sort now.























  jason brady said:
Great job Eamonn,I've a few these to do myself,if i get them looking any way as good as that Il be happy enough.

Thanks Jason.

They are a nice kit to do.

The weathering washes and powder do

help a bit to make it more real.

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