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Kirley junction

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Hi Kirley


I was just looking through your complete thread and saw your helix. I was wondering how far apart are the road beds/levels on your helix and what length of train will a 141/181 or 201 pull on the helix up-hill trip.




  mrhd said:
Hi Kirley


I was just looking through your complete thread and saw your helix. I was wondering how far apart are the road beds/levels on your helix and what length of train will a 141/181 or 201 pull on the helix up-hill trip.





The levels are 3" apart. I copied Everard Junction's method, see


If you get your levels right then it's down to how good your Loco traction is. I've pulled a rake of 10 coaches but the Loco was protesting at that. 6 or 7 coaches should be no problem if you are pulling up the Helix rather than pushing. I would not recommend a Helix for Steam Locos as a rule but I did manage a rake of 6 coaches with my UTA Jeep.

  BosKonay said:
Stunning work! Maybe treat us to a general video or photo update of the layout overview? :) Pretty please :):)


Stephen I'm just starting to build a figure of 8 track and will put up some pics/video when I get to the centre of the layout.


Stephen, I've just videoed my new 071's and you can see current state of the layout.



The un-ballasted track will give you an idea of the new section


Looking fantastic!! Just liked and commented on the video too. The scenic sections are looking fantastic. The backscene is really excellent and sets it off great. I'm very jealous of that 121. She's a stunner! Mir?

  Kirley said:
The levels are 3" apart. I copied Everard Junction's method, see


If you get your levels right then it's down to how good your Loco traction is. I've pulled a rake of 10 coaches but the Loco was protesting at that. 6 or 7 coaches should be no problem if you are pulling up the Helix rather than pushing. I would not recommend a Helix for Steam Locos as a rule but I did manage a rake of 6 coaches with my UTA Jeep.


The main consideration to building a helix is the radius, in 00 radius 3 is the minimum you should go. The smaller the radius the greater the incline so go as big as you can.

Try to keep the height between levels as low as possible.

  BosKonay said:
Looking fantastic!! Just liked and commented on the video too. The scenic sections are looking fantastic. The backscene is really excellent and sets it off great. I'm very jealous of that 121. She's a stunner! Mir?

Yea -MIR kit, Anthony wired it for DCC for me.

  Kirley said:
The levels are 3" apart. I copied Everard Junction's method, see


If you get your levels right then it's down to how good your Loco traction is. I've pulled a rake of 10 coaches but the Loco was protesting at that. 6 or 7 coaches should be no problem if you are pulling up the Helix rather than pushing. I would not recommend a Helix for Steam Locos as a rule but I did manage a rake of 6 coaches with my UTA Jeep.


Thanks Kirley


All my stock is Modern Image IE, with just one Hornby Flying Scotsman from the steam era. I have seen the Everard Junction Channel alright but it is nice to get first hand experiences and knowledge from someone who is using the same locos and stock.





I have started on the centre section of my layout and was intending constructing a figure of eight track involving the bridges constructed on each side of the layout.

Not having a well designed plan (I know, I know) when it came to assembling the figure of eight it dawned on me that it would not work out as I had envisaged.


Plan B

Now I’m going to build an inner loop of double track using the Centre Section for part of it.


First thing was to demolish part of a Flyover and realign the track run.




This was the old bridge




Now it’s gone.





Built a new ramp to take the track up to a level above the Helix.




You can see how I work, organised chaos.





Glenderg has come up with a drawing for the Helix entrance.




Next stage is laying the track (temporary) and testing.


Hey hey it fits! That helix entrance is going to look so Gansta Victorian! Now that I see the sweep of track I understand the logic of blocking up that opening. Your landscaping skills will easily blend the two gradients together, something I was a bit worried about with the long run of stone cladding. I'll crack on with building the entrance then.... :D



  Kirley said:

You can see how I work, organised chaos.


Thanks for sharing the pictures, very inspiring. No need for apologies, in my eyes. I work to the same method as you, mostly works out fine... ;-)


I find it hard to believe it was a year ago that I began this project. It started from a “green field site” on the 11 April with the erection of the Shed.





Then came the fitting out and it was mid May before I was able to start putting up the benches.







BosKonay asked for photo update of the layout overview so here goes, Kirley Junction April 2013:








































As you can see the new centre section boards are in place so plenty of work still to do never mind finishing off parts of the layout round the edge.

Guest hidden-agenda

you have achieved a hell of a lot in a year k.


When i first saw this layout emerging, i was astonished by the progress, and still am. At no point during this lightning build did it look like a train set or overly compressed. There must simply be years of planning gone into it, and thats not to disregard the amount of kits worked on, resprays, and stock variety you have assembled. WOuld love to hear the backstory. If Kirley Junction isn't worthy of a visit from one of the mags soon, there's something wrong. R.


Well done Kieran,like myself you have a layout to be proud of and get hours of fun out of-it was a quick year-but one that you have achieved quite a bit,keep up the good work...


Keep up the good work Kieran, a year has passed very quickly! I admire the way you discovered an aspect of the plan was"nt going to work and did a major rethink. Took me months to pluck up the courage, you just got on with it! Inspirational. Keep the pictures coming.


Just back from the Bangor Show and had to try out the 2 new coaches from Murphy Models, the Gen Van and the Restaurant Car.



Just something different about this rake.


Just caught a glimpse of your control panel.

I'm looking at making one.

Any tips or photos.

Thought I would use white perspex but can't find any at the moment.



  wiggy said:
Just caught a glimpse of your control panel.

I'm looking at making one.

Any tips or photos.

Thought I would use white perspex but can't find any at the moment.




I used clear Perspex as a cover but underneath I printed out my track diagram on glossy Photograph paper. I bought the Perspex at my local Hardware store and it was half the price Homebase was charging. If you go back to pages 22 & 23 on this thread there are some pictures there.

  • 2 weeks later...

I got some bridge surrounds/retaining walls from Glenderg via the Wrenneire Courier Services direct to the Bangor Show – what service.




Just finished putting it in place.




Considering some advertising billboards to break up the long expanse of stone work.





Also still to add some trees and shrubs which will soften this area.





New tunnel for the lower single line track.






Excellent scienic work Kirley. Lovin the stonework and the multiple running levels. Adds real depth to the layout which I have to say Im a big fan of. Do you have any trouble with trains pulling up that incline shown in the first picture? Would like a similar 'crossover' rail bridge on my layout to add interest but have limited space. I do reckon a gentle gradient may be possible. Looking good as always :-bd


Forgot to say, the CAF looks pretty sweet

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