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IRM is 5! Check out our 10 for 5 Sale This Weekend Only!

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It's my brother's birthday also. Mind, you guys [IRM] have done more in the last five years that he has his whole life. Congratulations and a big thank you for all of the wonderful models you've created.

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Congratulations to IRM.I started out on the old MSN site back in 2007 and have seen the growth in Irish model railways with the launch of the MM 141/181 locos.Its been amazing to see the success of IRM and long may it continue.

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Five years ago I was a North American / Canadian modeller.  I had actually sold a few Canadian items to this strange fellow called Fran from Dublin.  I had purchased a few Murphy items like the GM's and the Cravens but only for display.  I had always been reluctant to get to involved with Irish modelling due to the lack of quality RTR wagons.

Then IRM appeared and I thought I would support it by buying a few packs of ballast wagons!!  

The rest is history.  Thanks lads for supplementing Murphy Models Locos and coaches with fantastic wagons.

The ballast wagons first.

p Ballast 1.JPG

Then the bubbles.  What's nicer and more Irish than these with a coupl of Baby GM's leading! Brillant.

p bubbles 1.JPG

p bubbles 2.JPG

Then the Taras just crying out for an A Class!

p taras 1.JPG

p taras 2.JPG

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Then the liners another classic with Bells and also with containers thanks to C-Rail


p liners 1.JPG

p liners 2.JPG

p liners 3.JPG

The Fertiliser wagons just renew childhood memories.  The ferts were basically the only wagons on the Derry line apart from departmentals.


p ferts 1.JPG

p ferts 2.JPG

p ferts 3.JPG

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I've always been quite vocal in my support of IRM. And I'm sure everyone is in agreement what's been achieved in such a short space of time has been seriously impressive.  

With each release, the bar seems to get pushed that little bit higher, but my personal favourite to date has got to be the Bulk Cement wagon. 



To watch 18 of these little beauties running behind an 071 is a dream come true, for me anyway. 

Congrats on the last five years guys, and thank you for the wonderful wagons to date. Long may it continue.  


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Evening all

A bit of a yellow "salute" in honour of the 5 year anniversary - hopefully pulled next year by an A class or 3......

About this time 3 years ago I was not in a good place mentally - working crazy hours and days , stressed to the last...essentially on a TGV to total burnout and meltdown....one evening I was halfway thru my near daily half bottle of gin and i saw something on the TV about model railways and it lit a fire..next day...i borrowed a unused set off one of my relations and just the simple act of setting up an oval and watching a GWR engine and 2 carriages whizzing around was so calming and distracting for me and was the start of a journey back from the brink.....I then started looking around for Irish stuff and I found this place.....and ye have been stuck with me ever since!

Thanks again



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Hi everyone,

Many thanks for the pictures and stories. We really get a great buzz about seeing IRM on layouts, weathered up, catalogued and collected and overall enjoyed. We set out as hobbyists to fulfil a gap in our hobby on the back of an outcry on the forum. @BosKonaybrought us together and the rest they say is history! We're proud of what we have achieved and very lucky to take it to full time status.

However, personally, I am blown away by @Edo's story. It's brilliant that a hobby can make a difference for us and take us in a new, better direction. 2020 will go down as one of the toughest years ever for us all I am sure but hopefully the forum and IRM can keep us in escapism together while we go through these strange times. It's what the forum is about and what this hobby is about too. 

We are working away on new projects and we think you are really going to like our next all new announcement. Tooling is underway and from now on we are announcing with tooling samples only to cut down on waiting times. However, this still gives a number of months to save up those pennies until delivery.

In the meantime we've extended the sale to 2pm tomorrow. Remember, it's for in stock IRM items and the discount is automatically removed at the check out. Enjoy the bargains, stay safe, enjoy the forum and the hobby! It is, after all, the perfect way to spend the winter months especially during any lock down situations we may find ourselves in! https://irishrailwaymodels.com/



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  On 18/10/2020 at 7:02 PM, Warbonnet said:

Hi everyone,

Many thanks for the pictures and stories. We really get a great buzz about seeing IRM on layouts, weathered up, catalogued and collected and overall enjoyed. We set out as hobbyists to fulfil a gap in our hobby on the back of an outcry on the forum. @BosKonaybrought us together and the rest they say is history! We're proud of what we have achieved and very lucky to take it to full time status.

However, personally, I am blown away by @Edo's story. It's brilliant that a hobby can make a difference for us and take us in a new, better direction. 2020 will go down as one of the toughest years ever for us all I am sure but hopefully the forum and IRM can keep us in escapism together while we go through these strange times. It's what the forum is about and what this hobby is about too. 

We are working away on new projects and we think you are really going to like our next all new announcement. Tooling is underway and from now on we are announcing with tooling samples only to cut down on waiting times. However, this still gives a number of months to save up those pennies until delivery.

In the meantime we've extended the sale to 2pm tomorrow. Remember, it's for in stock IRM items and the discount is automatically removed at the check out. Enjoy the bargains, stay safe, enjoy the forum and the hobby! It is, after all, the perfect way to spend the winter months especially during any lock down situations we may find ourselves in! https://irishrailwaymodels.com/




Yes some history. I remember well a PM advising me you had a friend who might be making some high quality A class locos. And then it all started with the humble ballast wagon, would it work, could an Irish startup company with no track record in IMP produce a model, how long would it take, would the quality be there, would Irish modellers help fund pre-orders for a model to be delivered perhaps in 18 months or two years time? Well the answers proved, yes, yes and yes. Please don't forget us now that you've conquered the UK before you take on the USA market. Looking forward to the next five years.

In the beginning there was the ubiqutious ballast


And the ballast was good so bubbles were needed to run over it upon a track to bring cement to make sleepers


And Stephen said let there be ore for the fertiliser factories to be built


And so it came to pass, And Fran said let there be nutrients to fertilise the static grass, and it was pleasing to see


And Richie said let there be container flats to bring produce to every market in the land and fuel the economy 


And Patrick said it was good, let us put a container upon a ship to sail the south china seas and bring back A classes


And so they sat on a mountain top for forty minutes and forty pints, and proclaimed to the valleys, fetch thee a shovel, and belt thee the the resin A class with thine holy shovel of antioch, and bring forth a new era with a new A class worthy of the new promised land. And so it came to pass during those days. And then the wise men looked across the valleys and the seas, and said look yonder, there is a fertile land across the seas yet unharvested, let us bring forth our produce, scale their mountains with detail and amaze all in every village and evert hamlet. Let us show what's possible with innovation, vision and determination. And we all rejoiced and made much rail noise, and sprung buffer clashing as stock rolled bountifully over the green and fertile land bringing fertiliser, ore, grain and cement north south east and west. And it was pleasing to see, and pleasing to haul. :) Thank you.


Keep it up. Looking forward to hauling stock behind the holy A class and whatever comes next.

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Congratulations to all in IRM on a job so exceedingly well done, that was a very quick 5 yrs, but you guys didn’t hang about, every model you’ve produced is of a level not witnessed in Irish railway modelling before now, & long may it continue, as to a favourite model, I have to say that the Taras are just awesome, so take 17 bows, you deserve it, 


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