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Richrua's workbench

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi everyone. I ve been working on this representation of Kingscourt Station building. I am set on a new branch line that will incorporate the gypsum yard and the station. I am going to use a little licence and run short passenger trains to the little station . (even though these stopped in the 40s i think) . it will give me plenty of running fun.



In its last days, the passenger train was an 0.6.0 and just two six wheelers, a composite and a brake third.


Had it lasted, a bogie and an ancient 6w brake might have been the thing; much after again a Ballina style combination of a 141, Park Royal* and genny van might have run there....


* .... or a Bredin, laminate or Craven (in chronological order!)


Will do Glenderg! I will be adding a few details and making it a bit grubby. I intend to model it as "not in use" appearance; while the Station building will be well looked after as the passenger services survived (In my fictional world). Not too happy with the 'extension' on the goods shed so might rebuild it.


Hi Richard


Nice work all round - the way the goods shed sits alongside the station building, leaving a narrow section of platform - just like I'm having to do with Richhill - I'll show off Glenderg's simply amazing buildings when I get as far as you and put down a platform!!!!


Like Kirley, my grandparents' house at Richhill was pretty similar to your little cottage - and they brought up ten children there! "The Cavan" is due to be located in a corner of the loft of my rather larger house - overlooking the line! Complete with grandfather at the top of the lane and my Dad holding up a baby Leslie to see the train leave the station. Now you all know why I'm a railway enthusiast!


Nice Bulleid wagons, by the way - wonder where you got those from!




Hi richrua


The goods shed is very life like,a lovely piece of workmanship

Well done,can I ask is it a card kit, I have a few of Leslie's

Bullied wagons to build as well,so could be asking for a few

Pointers if that's okay.have really enjoyed your work to date.




Thank you all very much. To respond to a few - The bulleid corrugated wagons are Leslie's marvellous kits. Contact Leslie10646 on this forum if you like them ! i like your historical touch Leslie - it will look fantastic. John - I built the buildings myself as I couldnt find any suitable kits. I printed off stone sheets and brick sheets.I had to print the stone in black and white as the only stone that looked right was too yellow. I washed it over with very light black to tone it down and weather it. Roof is Wills slate sheet. If i was doing it again i would make a few improvements. Still needs a downpipe !!

Posted (edited)



You have really captured the atmosphere of the station buildings. I spent a very enjoyable day about 20 years ago taking photos of the buildings at Kingscourt and Athboy.


Kingscourt could make a very attractive model as a terminus or as a through station, there were even plans at one stage to extend the line to Carrickmacross and Armagh.


I have drawn a sketch of the track layout before it was rationalised in the 80s. Gypsum was unloaded directly from tipper trucks into railway wagons from a raised concrete ramp and turntable arrangement, wagons seem to have been positioned by a winch arrangement rather than loco.


The gypsum loading ramp and turntable seems to have been on the site of the cattle bank or possibly cattle shed road, which was slewed over and the loco shed demolished There are some nice photos of this end of the station in GSR days complete with ex MGWR Standard Goods & 6 wheel coaches in Donal Murrays "Great Southern Railways" pictorial Iain Allen 2006


The slip points on the crossover to the goods yard is almost a MGWR trademark Edenderry & Athboy had a similar arrangement, the slips may have been replaced by turnouts in CIE days.



Although the loco shed was demolished the turnout from the loop to the loco yard is probably still in place. The loading of wagons on the running line at the brickworks loading bank was the biggest oddity at Kingscourt. Brick traffic was important into CIE days and the crane on the loading bank was locked by the Kingscourt-Nobber later Wilkinstown section staff.


Passenger trains ran to and from Broadstone and later Amiens St with a 650 Class or a Midland Standard Goods and a few 6 wheelers. Services were fairly sparse usually morning and evening and the occasional mid day train.


The Kingscourt goods was scheduled for steam operation into the late 1950s with large Midland (j5) or GSWR (J4 or possibly J9) working the 3 trice weekly goods.


Traffic from Kingscourt was diverted to run over the GNR line and Clonsilla-Junction Navan closed to regular traffic apart from cattle specials from LIffey Junction to Drumree & Kilmessan before complete closure in 1963

Edited by Mayner

Thank you very much for the history of the line. I have only cobbled together a few photos and video clips from the web. The track plan is really helpful ! I intend to model both the odd loading ramp for the gypsum but also the later large shed and digger arrangement, It is too tempting not to do both!! I saw an old ordinance survey map with the brickworks marked but had no idea they ran trains out too. Even better,. For now, my trackwork will have to rely on settrack options, perhaps in the future I will try for more authentic lines . I picked kingscourt because it was just curiously odd and unique, but also offered quite a bit of interest train wise, thanjs again !


I have been working on the gypsum shed at Kingscourt. Again, I have worked just from photos without measurements etc so it is only an impression of the scene ar kingscourt. here 190 approaches with two wagons for loading. All we need is gypsum and we'd be in business !!!image.jpg


just after i took this the central headlight on 190 went out and i cant get it to come on again. I have NCE powercab and it has a hattons chip. Could the led have popped ?


That is a great photo Patrick thank you very much. Good to see that prototypically both type wagons were coupled together in the same train. Any idea what brake van is on the end there ?

  richrua said:
That is a great photo Patrick thank you very much. Good to see that prototypically both type wagons were coupled together in the same train. Any idea what brake van is on the end there ?


Most likely a 30 ton brake van like the SSM kit.


Nice photo!


If you're modelling such a train a bit of shunting will be required as the hoppers had continuous braking (whereas the Bulleid opens were loose-coupled), so would have to be nearest the loco both when arriving and departing Kingscourt to be able to hook up to its vaccuum pipe. :)


thanks for all the prototypical info guys! Shunting it will be so! I set up my track to follow a slightly boiled down version of Mayners excellent map above. (thanks!!) I will also be building the little odd loading ramp at the track end. By the way Mayner, your coach sides are excellent and will make up the short passenger train that will serve the station ( this is in my fictional world btw when passenger services were kept up on the line)

  garfieldsghost said:
Nice photo!


If you're modelling such a train a bit of shunting will be required as the hoppers had continuous braking (whereas the Bulleid opens were loose-coupled), so would have to be nearest the loco both when arriving and departing Kingscourt to be able to hook up to its vaccuum pipe. :)

Excellent point, Patrick! Hadn't thought of that

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