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Glenderg's Projects

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Jaysus, where the hell have I been while all this magnificent work has been going on, how dos' one say magnificent, and mean so much more, Glenderg, you sir are a genius, a master at work, a true master, I'm stunned just looking, congratulations, very well done sir, there is not one item in your modelling for me that stands out more than any other, it's all so wonderful,


wow, what a response gents. Mind is blown truly. if Dapol want to steal me idea, it's copyright by virtue of publishing it here. Pah, they could just give us a roar first. I know the wagon conversion is a mad idea, not to everyones approval, but i'm really happy with it, even if the client is pissed i went "off piste"


To address "donnelli dave", i get more of a kick out of lads here having a crack at stuff, and posting it up, than chequebook modellers showing off wot they bought and got weathered by others. I come from a background where a bag of scatter cost IR£9.95, but sticking a manky bit of a foam mattress in a blender with some green and brown paint cost about 20p and a bollicking from mammy for ruining her blender.


Any one who models the irish scene, no matter the scale, has to bash scratch and hack their way to a finish. The more hacking and bashing, the better the overall scene.

  skinner75 said:
Top job! I was thinking of just spraying one yellow, and adding the decals from one of the new ballast wagons - an easier job for those of us with less time, skills & patience!


Great idea skinner, possibly something as an alternative design. Something between a sperry wagon or a per way canteen that might sit between an 071 and the autoballaster consist.... nice idea, if only i had one more to play with :'(


Just a quick one as I've seen a few lads have a go at the ARC Hornby/Lima wagons to convert to Tara's, and while they are a mile off the prototype, their bulk and size makes them perfect, and cheap to make a rake. I did this a quite a few years ago, and it's been in the "naughty box" and has seen better days, but here's 5 quick steps to make it look closer to a tara. Does not include brake gear etc....


This is what you get outta the box




and this is what can be done -




01: Blue - using a file or saw chop out about 8mm high x 4mm deep notch from the back. Body side is thick enough that it wont show through.


02: Purple - Cut out a rectangle of thin plastic, trim off the corners equally and glue it to the lowest beam as shown.


03: Yellow - Add two more strips of plastic, the same size as the two that are there. Your buffers will sit in between these ribs, so use a loco to as a template to get it to match.


04: Red - Add an overlay of plastic over the ribs and remove the two small rectangles.


05: Green - Add a 2mm piece of roof, letting it overhang slightly. Cut out the same sheet in thin plastic, but glue it in from the edges. This forms a slight bend in the roof. Add the roof grip anchors if you feel like it. Paint and decals to finish then.


This was one of the first ever scratchbuilds I did years ago, so have a go. Another even better alternative is Shinkansens version





  Glenderg said:


This was one of the first ever scratchbuilds I did years ago, so have a go. Another even better alternative is Shinkansens version




Thanks Richie :tumbsup: The ARC wagon makes a very good likeness for the Tara with those mods carried out. Nice work, simple and effective. I reckon I might have over complicated my kit bashing effort. Typical Engineer.... goes off and makes things un-neccessarily complex:rolleyes:


  Shinkansen said:
Typical Engineer.... goes off and makes things un-neccessarily complex:rolleyes:Tom.


Gave my architectural funny bone a chuckle that, engineers being so modest and all!


There was a thread not so long ago about the autoballasters and converting the genny's to standards. At the same time, I dropped a Network Rail one twice, and in the process found out how to take certain bits apart, so here is how to do it kinda properly, if anyone fancies a bash at it.




This is the tail end that needs reworking.




Wiggling the top in a clockwise/counter clockwise motion detaches the roof




Pull out the two handrails as shown and rock the roof support back and forward.




Pull the generator back towards the buffers and undergubbins exposed.




33 x 29.75mm piece of 0.25mm styrene with another 16.5 x 29.75mm piece on top. This was put in the oven on a former to get the curve, more on that process later on.




After that it's a case of using the holes that were made already to form some wire to the right shape. The canopy is made from 39 x 12mm styrene scored in the middle.




That's as much as I'm going to do to it, and the genny part has already been "re-purposed" for per-way duties :D!



  • 2 weeks later...
  Georgeconna said:
great stuff Glenderg on the ABs....Tricky buggers it seems!.


Ha ha George, at least mine is in 4mm- I don't envy you and your n-gauge compatriots one bit!


Just a quick update on a slightly odd piece of rolling stock I posted a photo of some time ago. I was rooting through a box on Saturday evening while the Voice Factor thing was on and found a severely twisted and bent MIR 42' flat chassis. The only way I could straighten it was to laminate several sheets of thin styrene on by superglueing them and holding it to shape til it went off. Wondering what to do with it, since it no longer resembled a 42' flat, I thought of this fella...


North wall 169_sm.jpg


Cobbled together a crane and some steel parts for the main deck, and though she looks like Mayner will give her the big white X, I think she'd look interesting parked on a layout siding.








More later hopefully.... Richie.

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